JUNIOR SURF INFORMATION - Sorry, registrations are now closed for the 2024_25 season
Junior Surf Mission - To encourage all children to have fun, participate safely and develop skills and confidence in the surf lifesaving spirit of fair play.
We wish to extend a warm welcome to prospective Junior Surf members and their families to Mangawhai Heads Volunteer Lifeguard Service Inc. (MHVLS). Our Junior Surf programme is designed to promote surf skills, fitness, surf sense, water safety and fun in a safe and friendly environment for future athletes, lifeguards, or simply kids who want to make new friends and have a good time. We are looking forward to another fun and busy season and hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
2024_2025 Training dates
Rookies, B & C Group : Sunday, 3 November. First Training: 9.00am to 11.00am
Sprats & Tadpoles : Sunday, 10 November. First training: 9.00am to 10.15am
A Group : Sunday, 3 November. First training: 9.00am to 11.00am
Last training for 2024 - 8 December 2024
Santa Parade - No training: 15 December 2024
Christmas Break - No training 22/12/2024, 29/12/2024, 5/1/2025
Junior Surf is not a drop off programme. All Junior Surf members are required to have a parent present on the beach at all times during training.
Junior Surf Groups (Nippers)
Junior Surf is divided into age groups (ages calculated as of 30 September 2024).
Some groups are further divided into squads according to age or ability. We insist that parents/guardians remain at the beach during training. Your assistance with training sessions is usually required.
Sprats: 4 years’ old
This is a parent run group and will only proceed for the 2024_25 season with the help from volunteers. You will be expected to coach, manage and help. No experience necessary.
This group caters for the youngest ages in Junior Surf, learning basic lifesaving skills through games and activities. The focus is purely on participation, water confidence and most importantly fun for all.
Swimming ability required: None, but some water confidence helps.
100% direct parent/guardian participation is mandatory at this level.
Uniform: Plain black togs, skullcap and hi visibility vests are compulsory, rash shirt & swim goggles are optional; wetsuit recommended.
Tadpoles: 5 - 6 years’ old
At Tadpole level, children will be learning basic lifesaving skills through games & activities. The focus is purely on participation, water confidence, and most importantly fun for all.
Swimming ability required: None, but some water confidence helps.
Uniform: Plain black togs togs, skullcap and hi visibility vests are compulsory, rash shirt & swim goggles optional; wetsuit recommended.
A Group: 7 - 9 years’ old
Children will start to learn the very basics of surf events. These will be broken down into activities and lifeguarding skills. There is a continued focus on water safety and confidence.
Children can attain their 200m patch if they are ready for this. There is a continued focus on water safety & confidence. We will start implementing competition skills ready for moving to U10 and B group. Children must obtain their 200m patch to use any boards/equipment and to enter water above their waist.
Uniform: Plain black togs, skullcap, hi visibility vest and swim goggles are compulsory for training and competing; wetsuit recommended for training days.
A Group: under 10 years’ old
Children will receive a solid grounding in beach flags, beach sprints, relays, run-wade-run and boogie board race. They are also introduced to the techniques of surf lifesaving. Competent swimmers (those who earn the 200m patch) will be introduced to surf swimming, and board racing, diamond person and board rescue events.
Swimming ability required: Children are expected to look at building their ability to swim at this age. The surf club does not teach members how to swim so a swim school is recommended. They will need to attain a 200m patch to be able to compete in water events (surf swimming, board race, and board rescue).
Uniform: Plain black togs, skullcap, hi visibility vest and swim goggles are compulsory; wetsuit recommended for training days.
B Group: 10 – 11 years’ old
At B Group, the children will be introduced to competitions.
B Group training builds on life saving skills learnt and introduces more demanding events such as tube rescue. The emphasis shifts more towards the water events at this stage hence it is important that members have developed their swimming toward attaining their 200m patch. Lifeguard training occurs on a regular basis.
Swimming ability required: B Groupers at this level are expected to be able to attain their 200m patch at the start of the season.
Uniform: Plain black togs, skullcap, hi visibility vest and swim goggles are compulsory for training and competing; wetsuit recommended for training days.
C Group: 12 & 13 years’ old
At C Group level, training becomes more intensive as at 13 you can train towards your Surf Lifeguard Award (Bronze Medallion)
Swimming ability required: C Groupers are expected to complete their 200m patch with ease.
Uniform: Plain black club togs, skullcap, hi visibility vest and swim goggles are compulsory; wetsuit recommended for training days.
Junior members using club equipment for training and competition purposes are expected to transport equipment in a safe and responsible manner as to avoid damage. If equipment is damaged in training or competition this must be brought to the attention of the Junior Surf coordinator immediately so repairs can be arranged. Contact Billy Fulton 021 615314 or email billy.fulton@naylorlove.co.nz
If a junior member has been allocated a board for the season they are responsible for the care, maintenance and repair costs of the board.
Members receiving new equipment will be required to sign an Equipment Use Agreement.
Junior training is held on Sunday mornings. Meet in the lower car park to sign in at 8.45 for a prompt 9.00am start.
Please use the carpark above the public toilets. Parking closest to the club is reserved for lifeguards while on patrol.
Sorry, there are no shower facilities at the club.
Additional training sessions are sometimes scheduled for B and C Groups during weekdays at Mangawhai Heads Beach. C Group may also join other clubs for weekend overnight trainings.
Sunday training starts regardless of weather, unless otherwise advised.
• Training usually finishes at 10.15 for Sprats, Tadpoles & A Group and 11.00am for B & C Groups.
• Parents and junior members must attend roll call and squad meetings at the start of training to receive important information via notices and newsletters.
• At the end of training, there is usually a BBQ and drinks for sale and other fundraising activities. 6 to 8 volunteers are needed to run help run the BBQ, clean up etc.
Before training
PUNCTUALITY IS IMPORTANT! PLEASE ensure children arrive on time.
• All juniors MUST sign in BEFORE joining the training session. This helps us manage the group, provide correct gear and ensure safety.
• Children must have their skullcap,high vis vest, towel, change of clothes, water and be wearing sunblock.
After training
• All juniors MUST be signed out by a parent/caregiver at the end of training.
• Everyone who uses club gear is responsible to wash it down and place it near the gear shed after use. Parent supervision is essential.
We will endeavour to keep you informed and up to date through the following;
The Mangawhai Heads VLS website
Please make sure we have your correct email address. Details can be updated via the Member Portal. For login details email admin@mangawhaisurfclub.org.nz or database@surflifesaving.org.nz
‘Like’ us on Facebook to get regular updates & information.
Mangawhai Heads Junior Surf Facebook page.
Headrock Rag (club newsletter)
We will also have information passed on to members at the start of Sunday training.
200m Safety Badge
B and C Group junior members MUST attain their 200m badge before they can train or compete in water events, which go beyond waist depth. This is a mandatory safety requirement, which demonstrates that members are confident in the ocean and capable of returning to shore if they are separated from their equipment. A 200m badge is required in order to use any club equipment. Under 10’s can obtain their 200m badge.
To gain a 200m badge, members must complete a 200m ocean swim including one minute treading water in under 10 minutes total (i.e. the swim must be complete in under 9 minutes) using a competent freestyle stroke. Members who attain this level will be provided with a higher level of water event training. The club runs 200m badge trials on a regular basis over the season (weather dependant). The 200m badge requirement needs to be met each season.
5:1 ratio supervision
As another STRICT mandatory safety requirement, we require a minimum supervision ratio (in any water activity, regardless of depth) of 1 adult in the water per 5 children. On rough days, we may increase this number. If we cannot reach the required ratio, the water events will be cancelled.
As further protection for our junior and senior members and the organisation as a whole, SLS Northern Region now requires that a police check be carried out on all adults over 18 years’ old who are in direct contact with children. This is a check for “crimes against children and those of a vulnerable nature” ONLY. Any concerns are notified to the SLSNR CEO only and are treated with utmost confidentiality. Parents who are present for the primary purpose of care, supervision or water safety for their own child do not require Police vetting.
All people who wish to contribute or participate directly with the Nipper training sessions as a coach, team manager, or coaching assistant (including parent helpers) must hold membership with MHVLS & Surf Life Saving New Zealand. As a financial member of SLSNZ, you are covered by SLSNR indemnity insurance in the event of accident or injury.
Parents/guardians/caregivers play a huge role in Junior Surf. Mangawhai Heads VLS encourages everyone to take the opportunity to become active contributors to the Junior Surf program.
It is always a pleasure to see families encouraging and supporting Junior Surf members as they train and compete. At all times, please ensure your behaviour and language are appropriate and that your encouragement is positive and in the spirit of fair play. Any concerns can be discussed with the coach or team manager. Most of all, remember to KEEP IT FUN!
Your help during training and competitions is always required and appreciated by the coaches. It is also a great way to get to know everyone and feel part of the Club. We will be asking each family to nominate a parent helper and tell us which role you believe you can best help us in.
These roles include:
· Set up / Pull down
· Water Safety
· Official
· Coaches helper
· Equipment care & storage
· Clubroom, kitchen & bathroom tidy
Please contact Vanessa Fulton 021 955562 or email vanessafulton@gmail.com
If you are interested in coaching, you might like to consider attending a 1 day Introduction to Junior Surf Coach Course to become a Junior Surf coach. These are popular courses so bookings are necessary.
For more information contact Vanessa Fulton 021 955562 or email vanessafulton@gmail.com
ROOKIE LIFEGUARD PROGRAM (members must be 13 years old as at 1 October 2024)
The Rookie Lifeguard Programme is the gateway into the Surf Lifeguard Award (Bronze Medallion) and has been developed to incorporate junior members into the patrolling environment. It is aimed at developing our future surf lifesavers in the areas of surf education, beach management and related career paths within the surf lifesaving movement. It is not an extension of the Junior Surf programme.
Aims of the Rookie Lifeguard Program
Develop the surf lifesaving skills of young members.
Provide a transition between Nipper and Senior Life Saving.
Provide a structured career path in surf lifesaving.
Provide a smooth transition and ready flow of active members from Junior Surf ranks by providing a programme of practical lifesaving development.
Involve and encourage respective parents to become involved in both active service and administration at club level.
Develop strong ties between Senior and Junior Members as a result of involvement in this programme.
Club patrols will become more efficient as patrol members become involved with the development of juniors whilst on patrol.
Additional Rookie information
Junior Surf events are a great opportunity to participate in competition, meet other clubs and see other beaches. While quite competitive at times, the emphasis is always on safety, sportsmanship, and fun.
It is important that you always remember to bring;
Food and plenty of water to drink
Club uniform - Plain black togs
Skullcap (compulsory)
High vis vest (compulsory)
Swim goggles
A warm change of clothing
A positive attitude
From local surf carnivals through to our national championships, surf sport needs great officials. Being a Surf Official is a rewarding way to stay involved and contribute to surf sports and to meet others who share a common passion for our sport.
It is important to have sufficient numbers of qualified Surf Officials at events to ensure the competition is conducted in a fair and correct manner as per the SLSNZ Surf Sports and Junior Surf Competition Manuals.
Courses are run by Surf Life Saving Northern Region. Date and booking information is available on their website.
If your child is in their second year of competing, you might like to consider becoming a Surf Official. For assistance with becoming a Surf Official please contact Vanessa Fulton 021 955562 or email vanessafulton@gmail.com at the beginning of the season.
Our registered club colours are black and white.
The club skullcap is compulsory for ALL junior surf children. These can be purchased for $25, ordered when you register your child or by clicking here. Skullcaps can be collected from the Junior Surf Coordinator at Sunday morning training’s. Alternatively contact the club administrator.
A hi visibility vest is compulsory for all water related activities both during training and competing. These can be purchased for $25, ordered when you register your child or by clicking here. Skullcaps can be collected from the Junior Surf Coordinator at Sunday morning training’s. Alternatively contact the club administrator.
COMPETITIONS - members must compete in:
Girls plain black togs
Boys plain black speedos/black swim shorts
Mangawhai club skullcap
Hi visibility vest
Swim goggles
White swim cap (optional. To be worn under the skullcap)
B & C Groupers will need to purchase swim fins to train for tube rescue.