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We are extremely grateful to receive some Government funding however this does not cover all of the costs associated with running a Surf Club.  We still rely heavily on sponsorships, donations and grants. This enables us to have lifeguards on the beach (and within the community) keeping Mangawhai, and its many visitors, safe.

Funds help us provide a lifeguard service, ongoing training & development, essential resources, first aid equipment and community support

In addition to Club Support Sponsorship (see below) we also offer other levels of sponsorship to suit you.

If you are interested in supporting our club please contact the club administrator at  


Club Support Sponsorship helps us provide lifeguard training, first aid resources, repairs and maintenance of both rescue/club equipment, coach and official training along with helping to pay for the day to day operational costs. Our club suffered significant damage In February so we are currently fundraising for temporary facilities so we can continue to provide a vital service to the public.

Usually a Supporters Day is held once a year where we acknowledge our wonderful sponsors, supporters and funding organisations. This is an opportunity to see first-hand a day in the life of a lifeguard at Mangawhai Heads. Unfortunately due to not having a clubhouse the event has not been organised for this season. You can look forward to an invitation once our clubhouse it back up and running.

Sponsorship benefits include:

- invitations to Supporters Day (once we are back into our Clubhouse)
- acknowledgement on the Supporters board outside the club (name only).
- acknowledgement on our website sponsors page

If you would like to contribute please contact


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