Code of Conduct
Mangawhai VLS endorses the following Code of Conduct for members. This is in line with the principles endorsed by Surf Lifesaving Northern Region and Surf Lifesaving New Zealand.
As a member of Mangawhai Heads VLS, you are expected to meet the following requirements:
Respect the rights, dignity and worth of others.
Be fair, considerate and honest in all dealings with others.
Be professional in, and accept responsibility for, your actions. Your manner, presentation and language should reflect high standards.
Be aware of, and adhere to Mangawhai Heads VLS standards, rules, regulations and policies.
Operate within the rules of surf lifesaving including regional, national and international guidelines that govern Mangawhai Heads VLS.
Members should recognise that at all times they have responsibility and a duty of care to all other Mangawhai Heads VLS members and the public at large.
Members should:
Understand the possible consequences of breaching the rules of Mangawhai Heads VLS or its Code of Conduct.
Report any breaches of the Code of Conduct to the appropriate authority.
Refrain from any form of abuse towards others.
Refrain from any form of harassment towards others.
Provide a safe environment for the conduct of activities in accordance with relevant Mangawhai Heads VLS policies.
Show concern and caution towards others that may be sick or injured.
Be a positive role model.
Discharge their membership responsibilities as set out by Mangawhai Heads VLS from time to time.
Abide by the directions and instructions of elected officers of Mangawhai Heads VLS.
Breaches of this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action in terms of the Constitution of Mangawhai Heads VLS.
Police checks
As further protection for our junior and senior members and the organisation as a whole, SLS Northern Region now requires that a police check be carried out on all adults over 18 years old in direct contact with children. This is a check for “crimes against children and those of a vulnerable nature” ONLY. Any concerns are notified to the SLSNR CEO only and are treated with utmost confidentiality. Parents who are present for the primary purpose of care, supervision or water safety for their own child do not require Police vetting.
Member Protection Policy
This is advisable reading. Email if you would like a copy.
MHVLS Complaints Policy
If any member has a complaint, please talk to the appropriate person from our Board or person that you feel comfortable talking to. Please do this ASAP for the best chance of a positive outcome. For example: If you have a problem on Patrol, talk to your Patrol Captain or Club Captain. If you cannot resolve the issue in this way, you may make a formal complaint.
Formal Complaint: This must be in writing and addressed to the Club Board and emailed to or posted to Mangawhai Heads Volunteer Lifeguard Service Inc , PO Box 30, Mangawhai, 0540. Complaints will be acted upon immediately and treated with respect and full confidentiality.
Clubhouse Policies
Please treat the clubhouse with respect.
Members and guests are requested to act in a responsible manner at all times that will reflect only goodwill towards our voluntary service.
The lounge, kitchen (upstairs) and bunkroom (downstairs) are a “dry zone”. ALL wet bodies, wetsuits, swimwear and towels to be kept in the gear shed and shower area downstairs.
Be a tidy kiwi and clean up yourself – others use the facilities.
Put things back where they belong.
Overnight accommodation at the Clubhouse is primarily for lifeguards. Permission is required. Contact Vickie Matich 021 2020414
Smoking is not permitted in the clubhouse.
Promptly report any club house damage to Barry Matich 021 2020414 or
If you would like a copy of the clubhouse rules email
Gear Policy
All gear is to be washed down and put away in the correct place after use. If your child is not tall enough to put away the gear safely, you must assist them.
Your coaches will let you know which gear you are able to use.
The locked gear is only to be used while at club training sessions when a nominated coach is in attendance.
Club equipment is for ACTIVE MEMBERS ONLY. Non-member friends are not permitted to use any club equipment.
Members without a 200m patch are not permitted to use club equipment.
All damage to equipment must be reported immediately. If your coach or Patrol Captain is not present, you must notify
Club boards are to be treated with care. If boards are misused, e.g. standing on them, dragging on the sand/concrete, unnecessary roughness, the user may be banned from further use for up to 2 weeks. Repair costs may be enforced.
Promptly report any damage to Vanessa Fulton 021 955562 or email (Juniors) Mike Ardern 021 721464 or (Seniors)Download here